Welcome to the Spears PTA Online Registration!
By Signing up for an account with the PTA website you will be able to: Join the PTA, sign up for Volunteer Opportunities, and complete Directory Information (directories are available for PTA members only). You will also be able to purchase Spear-it Sprint Sponsorships from this page in the fall.
All purchases can be made with cash, check (made payable to Spears PTA) or by using a credit card, debit card or PayPal account. You do not need a PayPal account to complete your transaction. If you prefer cash or check, please select "Pay Offline" when checking out. You may print the receipt and send it along with your payment to the office at Spears.
If you had an account last school year, you will need to "reactivate" your account for this school year. You can do this by clicking on the Parent (or Faculty) & Student Information link and verifying your information from last year.